



【3M】58°博視燈系列可調光LED檯燈 LD6000(晶耀黑)

【3M】淨呼吸寶寶專用空氣清淨機(棉花糖粉)+【伊萊克斯 Electrolux】蒸氣式電熨斗ESI4005

【3M】淨呼吸超優淨型負離子空氣清淨機(適用7坪)+【伊萊克斯 Electrolux】蒸氣式電熨斗ESI4005




商品網址: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=3981711&memid=6000011369&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league


  • 品號:3981711

  • 全球流行.休閒品牌代表
  • 精緻時尚.完美風格
  • 機能性優.休閒包款首選



商品名稱 : Kipling
商品尺寸:上長44x下長28.5x高25x底寬12.5 cm / 提帶長49x高20.5 cm 鑰匙圈掛鉤帶長22 cm
商品規格:內袋x2 內拉鍊袋x1 筆套袋x1 外後袋x1



商品網址: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=3981711&memid=6000011369&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league


【3M】58°博視燈系列可調光LED檯燈 LD6000(晶耀黑)

【3M】淨呼吸寶寶專用空氣清淨機(棉花糖粉)+【伊萊克斯 Electrolux】蒸氣式電熨斗ESI4005

【3M】淨呼吸超優淨型負離子空氣清淨機(適用7坪)+【伊萊克斯 Electrolux】蒸氣式電熨斗ESI4005


/ Staff writer, with CNAThe Executive Yuan has approved a plan to extend NT$30 billion (US$952 million) in loans to the tourism sector, which has felt the pinch after a fall in the number of Chinese visitors this year.The Cabinet said that the loans are aimed at helping domestic tourism businesses upgrade their hardware and software in a bid to improve the quality of the industry and eventually attract more visitors to the nation.Since the Democratic Progressive Party government took office on May 20, there has been a 30 percent year-on-year decline in the number of Chinese tourists taking part in group tours amid cooling cross-strait ties.The number of Chinese visitors was down 15.03 percent year-on-year in July, after falling about 12 percent in May and June.According to the Hotel Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the hotel occupancy rate has dropped by 50 percent, with those in central, southern and eastern Taiwan the hardest-hit.In addition, the National Joint Association of Buses for Tourists of the Republic of China (Taiwan) said that about 80 percent of a total of 16,000 tourist buses in the nation are idle.The plunge has caused an outcry from the tourism industry, which has urged the government to provide financial assistance to help companies survive the steep decline.Members of the tourism industry are planning to stage a demonstration on Monday.The loans are to be made available to businesses under set circumstances defined by the National Development Council, Executive Yuan spokesman Tung Chen-yuan (童振源) said, adding that the loans are not a form of financial relief.According to the council’s Guiding Principles on Preferential Loans to Aid the Upgrades of the Tourism Industry (獎勵觀光產業升級優惠貸款要點), companies applying for the loans must use the funding to upgrade their hardware and software to offer better quality tourism.The Executive Yuan said it would also encourage more Taiwanese to tour the nation and make up for the shortfall in Chinese visitors, while the government would continue in its efforts to diversify the sources of foreign visitors.The Executive Yuan said that it would help the tourism industry come up with innovative tour packages providing an insightful look at the nation, including its unique cultures, to lure more foreign tourists.Additional reporting by Lee Hsin-fang新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES



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